Sunday, November 16, 2008

Monday, November 10, 2008

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Sweetie pie!

Back to landscaping

We're trying to get some landscaping done before winter hits. Like last year, there are some better days than others to work outside. The boys are making hay while the sun shines.

Eventually this will tie into the area where the pool will be, there's just such a steep slope that there's a lot to do to make it easy to walk around the house. I'm looking forward to being out of the dirt and weeds.

More landscaping

The pond is going in

That's where we are so far....if the weather holds, they'll be back on Monday to apply the Gunnite.

Look what finally came home!

Arno's a happy guy!

Will he ever come back?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

thank you people

it is amazing after the last eight years - here we are. And 232 years for blacks to have equality. Oh my god. I'm in shock. Now to move forward to help heal this country.

Let's go out and do this!

Don't forget to vote!

Voting Day!!

It's here, finally after years of campaigning we can caste our vote to elect the president of the United States. Our biggest and best way to tell our politicians how we feel about the last 8 years. It's the most important thing you can do today, forget everything else, this is your opportunity to be a part of the process.

I voted this morning, taking only a half an hour. Andrea went early; she was at the polls at 6:15am and there were people already in line. She was the third person to vote and when she left, the line stretched around the church.

A few things to remember: bring ID, be patient, and it is your right to vote. Don't take no for an answer, if they question your identity, you can sign an affidavit, at the least you should ask for a provisional ballet.

I hope the interest in this election renews the political process. I'm so happy to have the opportunty to vote.