They've gotten a lot done this week - it's just not very exciting pictorial-wise. The heat/air ducts went in and the septic system. I'll be glad when they stop tearing up the woods...that's the hardest part for me. I know that it'll all grow back, but it's still wrenching. I've been clearing out garlic mustard, and we need to start back cutting down the autumn olive, but who has time? We've finally decided that we just don't have the time to side the house ourselves, fortunately our builders are ready and eager to take on that project. At least we know that it'll be done right...
I'm off for a Chicago weekend with the daughters, sister and friend; the baby's turning 21! I'm afraid that this is a preview -

I'll get appliances figured out next week, this all we have for now.

Porch with a roof!
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