We're still experiancing a lot of snow, wind and cold temperatures, and it's been hard to add to the blog, when all I have are more pictures of snow. Every once in a while, we have a sunny day and you start to believe that spring is around the corner. I have noticed that the buds are starting to swell (I know there are doubters out there, but look at the tree branches - you can see a difference every day). And then there are the birds - the last Sunday in January, we had a flock of Bluebirds come through, along with Robins, and Cedar Wax Wings. I think the Robins were lost, but the rest have been hanging around.

We're off to babysit our grandbaby, who has figured out crawling and is working on walking. She'll be a handful, but I think both of us are ready for a little hands on grandparenting. Arno is leaving next week for Florida, he'll spend some time with his dad on the golf course. I'm home babysitting the grandpuppy - and will try to figure out if I'm ready for a full time dog again. If I'm ready for Diesel to go home at the end of his visit, then I'm not ready to have a dog. If I'm crying when he leaves, then we'll start looking (ok, I'm already looking, just not ready to commit!).
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